What just happened? I feel like I got swept up by a magical whirlwind of storytelling through use of light and shadow, movement, color, texture, video, improvisation, and sound.

Last Memorial Day weekend, I inhabited a world in which anything and everything are possible, risk-taking is celebrated, creativity is free-flowing, and friendship, camaraderie, and trust are in abundance. And it resulted in this:

Bad Trip: S.R.O. is a wrap! Thank you to my fellow cast and crew members– especially to my partner Rupert– for breaking the silence on subjects and themes that are considered difficult or taboo. In sharing his story, Rupert is living, breathing proof that traumas do not have to define a person and it's possible to rise above.

Stay tuned for future projects by Brownout Shadowplay Collective! Thank you to Anthony Bongco for the behind-the-scenes candids and for capturing stills from the show.


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